Tutor, Educator and Course Writer
Welcome to Paula’s website! Paula is a dedicated and talented educator with over 30 years of experience teaching in diverse settings worldwide. Known for her creativity and skill when building meaningful connections with her students, Paula brings a unique blend of expertise, warmth, and innovative teaching methods to her work. Here, she shares her insights and resources as an experienced online tutor and course developer, offering a vibrant collection of courses and tools designed to inspire and support learners everywhere.
Live online lessons
1:1 Lessons available
Small Group Lessons (2-3 Students)
Extra support with all Primary and Lower Secondary Subjects.
Lots of experience with international students and students outside of formal education.
Coming soon....
Follow these online courses.
Designed to be studied independently.
Easy to follow courses in all Primary and Lower Secondary Courses.
Ideas and Advice for Parents and Students
Have you decided to take your children out of formal education? Looking for simple advice and ideas and what to do next?